Frequently Asked Questions
How do I report a crime? |
If you live in Upper Darby Township, dial 911 and an Upper Darby Police Officer will come to your residence. If you prefer to come to the police station you may do that, as well. Our address is 7236 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082. Phone number: 610-734-7693. Please be aware we are dispatched by Delaware County’s 911 Center. There is no non-emergency number in Delaware County. The 911 Center dispatches all calls, emergency and non-emergency. We do not dispatch from our police station.
How do I obtain a police report? |
To obtain a police report you may come to the Records Office of Upper Darby Police Station located at 7236 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby, PA 19082
Incident and accident reports cost $15.00. Only check or money orders are accepted. Multiple incident requests may take longer to process. |
How do I report an abandoned vehicle? |
Click on the link for info about abandoned vehicles. Abandoned Autos – Police request |
How do I become a member of the Upper Darby Police Department? |
Examinations for the position of Police Officer are administered every two to three years by the Upper Darby Civil Service Commission. There is no education or residency requirement to apply. Notifications of testing are advertised in the local media.
Can I report suspicious behavior anonymously? |
While the police department encourages witnesses to identify themselves in order to fight crime effectively, there are methods to remain anonymous. If you decide to call 911, inform the operator that you wish to remain anonymous. The dispatcher will honor your request. You may also anonymously reports crimes not in progress by sending an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. Be advised social media and emails are not monitored 24/7. If you need an immediate police response or assistance, you need to call 911. |
Is there a curfew in Upper Darby Township? |
Yes, curfews are enforced from Sunday to Thursday starting at 10:00 PM. On Friday and Saturday the curfew is extended to 12:00 AM (midnight). |
I am a victim of domestic abuse. How do I receive help? |
In an emergency, dial 911 and speak to a police officer about your situation. The Upper Darby Police Department is committed to assisting victims of domestic abuse. As a victim of domestic violence, you may qualify to file a petition with the court requesting a Protection Order pursuant to the “Protection From Abuse Act”. You may also have additional rights or see if immediate shelter is available. Contact the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County on their 24 hour hotline at 610-565-4590.
Does Upper Darby Township Police Department have a Use of Force policy? |
Yes, UDPD has a policy to provide officers with guidelines on the limits of officer authority and the use of lethal and non-lethal force in accordance with state and federal laws. You can view the full policy below.